
Friday, October 29, 2010


I have a question today about Save-the-Date cards. What do you think of them? Are they necessary? My mother doesn't think so. I kind of want to send them because...

1) I'll jump at any excuse to pick out cute stationery and send mail to friends/family
2) The wedding is over a holiday weekend and giving people as much advance notice as possible seems like the polite thing to do.
3) I really want people to "save the date"!

Just for kicks, I looked at some online. These are some of my favorites, all from Wedding Paper Divas.

Cute, huh? Would you send "Save-the-Dates"?

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I'm sorry to have been such a very bad blogger lately! Work, wedding planning, and just life in general have been so busy lately. I really do promise to blog on a more regular basis... and share my wedding plans! In the meantime, here are some "snapshots" of what I've been up to. :)

Fall in New England is beautiful and I am loving every second of it. So far, I've gone apple picking with my soon-to-be neices and sister-in-law, went to a wine tasting at the beautiful Nashoba Valley winery with my cousin, and have enjoyed crunching the leaves on my way to work in the morning. Did I mention I love fall?? 'Cuz I do! I also had a chance to get an aerial view of the beautiful foliage in Laconia, New Hampshire. My fiance got his private pilot's license a few months ago and I went up with him for the first time!

Foliage in Laconia, NH

It was so fun!
AND we finally decided on a location and a date for our wedding! It will be on November 11, 2011... 11/11/11! I was psyched to be able to get that date! The service will be at my family's church and the reception will be in downtown Boston! Check out some pictures I took of the space:

More to come! I promise!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I've been such a bad blogger lately and I'm very sorry! Life has been so busy! I'll be back with some fun posts soon.... promise!
