
Sunday, January 26, 2014

My New Secret Beauty Weapons

I love trying new beauty products so I love subscribing to Birchbox and getting samples with my Sephora orders. Here are a few products whose samples made me become a return customer.

I got this awesome multi-tasking in my Birchbox a few months ago and I'm already on my fourth bottle. I use it literally every day. I comb it through my hair after the shower. My hair is super fine and tangles really easily so I need a good detangler. This one also protects my hair from my daily assault on it with a blowdryer and straightening iron. And it has a nice, not-overpowering scent.

Bumble & Bumble Thickening Shampoo

As I mentioned, I have very fine hair. Read: flat. I feel like I've tried most of the volumizing shampoos on the market, but I had given up on the hope that a shampoo or styling product could do anything for my hair. Then I got this a sample of this little miracle worker with my Sephora order. It actually thickens my hair. I can actually see and feel the difference. I also use the conditioner and hair spray which are also great.
GlamGlow Youth Mud

I got a sample of this in another Sephora order and was doubtful about it. I don't use masks often in general and hadn't used a mud mask since high school (anyone remember this one?), but I was tired/stressed on New Year's Eve and my skin showed it. The description on the package said models use it before runway shows so I gave it a shot. I LOVED the results. My skin looked a hundred times healthier, clearer, and glow-y. I highly recommend!

What beauty products have you discovered lately?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

New Year, New Blog Post

Happy New Year! It's been a looooong time since I've posted here, but getting back to blogging is one of my New Year's resolutions for 2014. Also on my resolution list?
  • Eat more meals at home (i.e. eat at restaurants less, cook more) 
  • Get healthier (exercise more, eat more vegetables, etc)
  • Dress up more for work. My office is fairly casual so it's easy to get in the habit of just wearing jeans. The skirts, dresses, heels, etc. in my closet need a little more love.
  • Push myself more whether that be at work, home (finally taking down the Christmas decorations...ughh), relationships, etc. Basically be the best Sarah I can be!
So those are mine. What are yours?? Please share!