
Friday, January 14, 2011

My Sketchy Laundry Saviour AND a Coupon!

Today I am singing the praises of this great product:

The Purex 3-in-1 laundry sheets are amazing and convenient. They are particularly amazing for someone like me who has a "sketchy laundry situation." What does that mean? Well, I don't have a washer/dryer in my apartment building - which was a big downside for me since I like to do laundry often and I have an irrational fear of laundromats. Luckily, the girl who lived in my apartment before me somehow (??) had keys to the building next door which does have laundry in the basement (I didn't ask how!) and was happy to pass them on to me. I do my laundry there now, but I always feel wicked sketchy and am in and out as fast as possible - I don't want to have to explain why I'm there to people who actually live in the building! I even plan to work from home on days that I do laundry to avoid running into anybody (did I mention there is only ONE washer and ONE dryer?)
That's where the Purex comes in. I don't have to conspicuously lug bottles of detergent and fabric softener from my building to the one next door. I tuck the sheet in my laundry basket and am in and out!
Want to try it too? Purex is offering a $1 off coupon here on their website!


  1. I have always wondered of those work!!! It's good to know! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have wondered about these! Thanks for sharing!


  3. So nice you have those keys!!! Girls used to use those in the dorms last year also!

  4. OMG that story is hilarious! I love that your big "crime" is doing laundry. Haha. I have a coupon for them and wondered if they were good or not as they are more expensive. Thanks for the review.
