
Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Royal Wedding is Almost Here!!

I'm so excited for Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding tomorrow!

I took the day off from work to watch it... everyone in my office thinks that I'm crazy, but I don't care. I just hope I can wake up so early to watch it! I hope I get some ideas for my wedding later this year! My mom is also coming over and we will have a royal tea party.

I love some of the wedding souveniers that I've seen, like this Union Jack edition of Pommery Pop champange.
I am also dying to try the Royal Wedding Tea from Harney & Sons.

And I think I want to buy this Wedding Tea Cup and Saucer from Royal Worcester.What are you doing to celebrate the wedding of the century?



  1. I love these souvenirs, especially the cup and saucer!
    Enjoy all the festivities tomorrow!!

  2. I am excited too! Having a viewing party tomorrow night in their honor!! xo

  3. Oh, it was lovely wasn't it? I didn't get to watch but saw enough of the highlights to satisfy me. I think Kate is flawless..... love her. xo

  4. I love that china! I watched and Kate looked stunning! Waking up extremely early was well worth it!
